Modern Abstract Art Print in Earth Tones With Symbolism and Meaning - "Moss and Mist"

$ 20.00

"Moss and Mist" is an earth tones, swirling modern abstract art print in the Zen series of energy art by Primal Painter. Any room in the house, office, wellness center, or meditation and healing space could benefit from the positive energy, flow, symbolism, and serene shades of mossy green, golden brown, and cream colors in this original art image.

*Available as a photo print that needs framing or as a stretched canvas print that's ready to hang right out of the box and available in several different sizes to fit any space. 

All of my art has a purpose with symbolism and meaning. "Moss and Mist" - Nature is mystical, awe-inspiring, and majestic in its complexity but is equally inspiring in its simplicity and energetic connection to Universal Laws with no questions of right and wrong. The mist in this image is magical and ethereal with graceful form and energy that can't be contained or captured as it swirls through the intricate patterns of nature. Moss is ideal for self-reflection and is thought to enhance grounding for those who are lost or lonely. Find your natural flow. 

This series is a study in Zen energy where the imagery is suggested rather than literal and invites the viewer to fill in the gaps with their own imagination. This intentional ambiguity fosters an engagement with the artwork and creates an introspective space for reflection to sense and feel.

The Photo Prints are professionally printed on high-quality photo paper with vibrant colors and sharpness. They're special-ordered just for you which can take up to two weeks to receive in the US, (about a week for smaller sizes) and a month or longer for international orders. Smaller sizes are shipped by USPS in a rigid envelope with the print in a plastic sleeve with a foam core backing. Sizes 16" x 20" and larger are rolled in a tube. This is for the photo print only and is not matted or framed.

The Stretched Canvas Prints are awesome, professionally printed, and have a semi-gloss laminate for protection and longevity. The sides are mirrored meaning that the image appears to extend around the edges, but the entire image is on the front. It includes a wood backboard to prevent warping and has an installed sawtooth hanger so no need for additional framing. Ordered just for you, they can take up to two weeks to receive and will need a signature upon delivery by Fedex. 

INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: Some countries, (the UK, Canada, and more) may have additional customs fees and/or import/handling fees to pay upon receipt in your country. Please check into that before you order or be in touch first so that there aren't any unpleasant surprises.


All of my art is available in a variety of forms: Photo PrintsChakra JewelryGreeting Cards and JournalsStretched Canvas PrintsBlankets and PIllowsArea Rugs and Bath MatsWall ClocksShower Curtains, Pendulums, and Night Lights If your favorite image isn't listed in the form you want such as a throw pillow, tell me the title or link to the image, the product you're interested in, and I'll work up an example. Contact Me

When I create my art and when I wrote my illustrated autobiography, The Attack: From Shattered to Whole, I not only experience an energy shift within myself, but I also set my intention that there will be an uplifting impact on viewers and the planet. Those who are sensitive to energy might feel it in the form of vibrations, tingling, or a lift in mood, and my hope is that my art and words will have positive effects on the body, mind, and soul.

If there are any questions, don't hesitate to be in touch.  Contact Me

See all of my visionary art, home decor, and jewelry:  Primal Painter.

All artwork and photos are the intellectual property of Laurie Bain Hamilton (Primalpainter) with all rights reserved. Downloading for reproduction, reselling, and digital alterations are prohibited but sharing on social media and websites is encouraged with credit given to Primal Painter as the artist. Use this link:

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